Hamish never had a will until his mother convinced him that it was a good idea.

Over the next few years, Hamish created 16 wills as he realised how easy they are to make online. As each will was created, the executors and beneficiaries changed.

Hamish was updating his will with each new squeeze that came his way. Hamish is also a super popular dude and was willy nilly, including friends with each will that was created.

Hamish accidentally put a knife in the toaster and got electrocuted whilst cooking eggs for breakfast on a frosty morning.

There were thousands of people that Hamish included in his wills over the years, and they all wanted their slice of the pie.

In the end, the most recent will that Hamish dated was the only will that mattered. No one contested the will.

Hamish’s estate was divided between several charities.

Hamish was a really nice guy in the end, no one saw it coming.



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Jess had a loving partner, three children, a dog and a complicated asset structure with several businesses. Jess asked Will if she should make an online will. Will suggested that with her complicated asset structure that it would probably be better to get a...

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Brian decided to kite-surf from Byron Bay to Melbourne. He left with a dry bag on his back containing some bare essentials. Brian didn't have a will, but he did have internet and access to Surfing Maps and Wills Estate on his adventure. Brian risked his life to take...

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Trent shot himself in the face. Trent had a will, but he didn't have anything to leave behind besides a gun and the clothes on his back. The gun was confiscated by the police and the clothes were thrown out. You might be thinking Trent didn't need a will because he...

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Cherry is smart. She made her will online with Wills Estate. Cherry is young, and the world is at her fingertips (despite the coronavirus restrictions with global travel). Whatever Cherry decides to do, she will continue living her life carefree, knowing that she will...

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Ollie went kitesurfing. It was really windy and Ollie was having the time of his life.  After the session, Ollie was trying to land his kite by himself on the top of a hill. Everything went wrong and before he knew it was in the air. He let go of the kite and fell on...

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Jack, the builder, was best friends with Ollie and Will. They went on many adventures together and enjoyed water sports, sunsets, and listening to the frogs whilst watching the stars light up at night. Jack lived a good long, happy life. He had built himself a...

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Travis was a loving family man with several children. Travis had a will. Travis died from a car crash. However, his children survived the horrific encounter. Travis's partner passed away several years earlier from choking on a kebab. Although Travis had a will, he had...

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Liam went skydiving and the parachute never opened. There is speculation as to what happened as the equipment was in perfect working condition. Liam worked in the mines and made a lot of money. He had a beautiful wife and three children that he loved dearly. Liam...

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Rachael wrote a will when she finished school at the age of 18. Rachael had a long, happy life, got married to the love of her life, had kids, and made millions of dollars. Unfortunately, one day Rachael got hit by a tram whilst crossing the road with her dog. Luckily...

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John got hit by a car. Unfortunately, John passed away from the injuries incurred during the accident. Luckily, John's family found his will after many weeks of going through his personal items. Unfortunately, when searching for the will, they also found some pictures...

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Mike was a rally car driver. It didn't end well for mike.  Mike's car wrapped around a tree, and that was the end of Mike.  Mike had a will, but he hadn't updated it in several years. Many of the assets listed in Mike's estate were worth considerably more than when...

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Brett was a lovely gentleman with a warm heart. He enjoyed long walks along the beach, candlelit dinners, going on activity-based dates with beautiful women and playing tennis on Sundays. Brett didn't have any children, but he had a lot of friends with children. Brett...

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Luke has a complicated asset structure and several children to different partners. A friend advised Luke to go to a law firm and get a will made by a lawyer. Luke took the day off work, caught the train to the city and spent thousands of dollars for his will. He...

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Tony just had his 40th birthday party. Tony was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. Tony was expecting that his parents would gift him the house because he was the only one of the siblings still living at home. His parents had been trying to kick him out for...

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Richard was a fun guy. He liked surfing, sailing, skateboarding, wakeboarding, and scuba diving, to name a few activities. He loved the outdoors and especially water-related sports. One day Richard was sailing, and the boom went bang. He hit his head and got washed...

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